Renee Chua A flower that refuses to let the cement close in on her... she fights her way through to fight for her rights to sunshine and rain...yet never lose her beauty to the weather...
Likes: Humanity
Jazz, new age, alternative, acid jazz, soft rock music
Watch and read a good play
Direct and act in a few excellent plays
A good hearty laugh
Dislikes: Snobs and bitches (same category)
Those who just wanna make life difficult for others
Drivers who can't make up their mind which lane to drive on
The self contradicting systems in my country
your face
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
your face speaks a thousand words yet your mouth refuses to budge
your mind runs through a thousand thoughts yet your body did not display any sign of disturbance
just a few moment of silence sitting right next to you i'll shudder at the whirlwind of emotions that stirs between us yet you remain non chalent
i wonder what goes on in this endless pit of destiny's black hole and what lies underneath at the end of it all for us
while at the same time your face remains still words unspoken hearts unopened Y o u r N a m e _ b l o g g e d _ @ 12:40 AM |