--v--<@ A flower that grows despite cement holes @>--v--

My Playback Show

Friday, May 26, 2006

Hey peeps who have been around...

While you're busy with exams, I'm busy with life in general! I'm high on life!

Meanwhile, just dropping a little note if you're thinking of catching a different type of theatre performance. And best of all, I'll be performing!

The format of this performance is very unique and refreshing, you say your story, we act out for your story on the spot with minimal sets and props, just boxes and cloth, but able to move hearts. Details of the show are at the bottom of the email.

Been part of this theatre since beginning of this month, and I’m touched by the potential of how much difference this form of theatre can do.

The performance is at a humble venue, but it is just the beginning.

Hope you can join me.

Come and play!

Explore how we see ourselves in our daily lives and how others look at us.

Join us in Tapestry Playback Theatre's next performance:

3rd June 2006 , Sat
8 pm – 9.30 pm

Blk 40A, Margaret Drive, level 2
(The Room Above Queenstown Hawker Centre)

Price: $15.00 *
*Part of the proceeds go to Playback Cambodia

(Purchase of more than 5 tickets and students – $12)

Email Eemien at tapestry.sg@gmail.com for more information about booking of tickets and queries.



There will be a special presentation on Playback Cambodia during the tea-break. Please stay on to support this presentation.

Tapestry Playback Theatre ( Singapore) will be embarking on another playback journey to Cambodia on 20-25 June 2006. This time, we hope to bring two customized workshops for social workers, community workers and counselors from Mercy Teams International (MTI) and other Non-Government Organizations. Tapestry would also be facilitating a playback workshop for a group of Cambodian children from MTI.

This is a purely voluntary effort from Tapestry members. If you believe in the ministry of Playback Theatre, and would like to support us, or have a heart in helping the children of Cambodia, do contribute in amounts of $10, $20, $50 to the Tapestry Playback Cambodia Fund.

For more information on how you could do this, call Anne Chua at 90068678.


About Playback Theatre
This is a theatre form based on improvisation and it has been practice in over 30 countries in the world.

It was created by Jonathan Fox who believed in a spontaneous theatre that reflected back to a gathered audience their view of the world as they experienced it.

In a playback theatre performance, an audience member tells a real feeling or story from their life situations, chooses actors to play the different roles, and watches as their story is given artistic shape and coherence.

By telling and re-enacting these stories, Playback Theatre enables a community to get to know its members better.

It is all about respect, sharing real stories, connecting

Individuals to each other, and creating a deeper sense of community

For more information about playback theatre, please visit


Leave your comments or queries at http://tapestryplayback.blogspot.com

Opening doors

Monday, May 01, 2006

I hesitated at the door.
Why isn't it opened from the other side?
My hands at the handle,
should I turn it or not?

Did I hear a knock?
A gentle thump on the other side?
Or was it my imagination,
that I wanted to hear it.

I looked back.
It was a long corridor,
with many turns and bends.
I have already unlocked many to get this far.

Why do I stop at this door?
Am I not enough to open it?
No body else wants to walk through the door?
Or should I open it instead?

Do I walk on like other doors I'd missed,
or sit around and wait?
Will I be ready to face what's in front of the door?
Or will I get all bruised again?

I'm stuck between and closed door
And many opened doors.