--v--<@ A flower that grows despite cement holes @>--v--
moving on
Monday, April 18, 2005
life's a bus journey some know their route some don't but we all travel through the passage of time stopping momentarily at different intervals
some stops make us linger a bit longer some are just for by pass
At some stops, you meet a strange beautiful lonely stranger or even a smile from a passenger, that brightens up your day but for most, you meet plenty of meaningless people you see all sorts of persona at the same time you travel along whether it's rain or shine and see what life has to offer
at times, the ride is rough other buses come crashing into you some curse you for the lousy ride cars cutting into your bus lane people cheat you of your bus fare
you break down some times and occassionally help comes from the most unexpected places a stranger motorcylist an unknown pedestrain with some warming words
and if you're lucky, a lovely person will stay on with you till you reach the terminal some unlucky ones travel alone in an empty bus
but no matter what the ride has to offer you still have to travel and move on till journey's end...
Renee Chua A flower that refuses to let the cement close in on her... she fights her way through to fight for her rights to sunshine and rain...yet never lose her beauty to the weather...
Likes: Humanity
Jazz, new age, alternative, acid jazz, soft rock music
Watch and read a good play
Direct and act in a few excellent plays
A good hearty laugh
Dislikes: Snobs and bitches (same category)
Those who just wanna make life difficult for others
Drivers who can't make up their mind which lane to drive on
The self contradicting systems in my country
moving on
Monday, April 18, 2005
life's a bus journey some know their route some don't but we all travel through the passage of time stopping momentarily at different intervals
some stops make us linger a bit longer some are just for by pass
At some stops, you meet a strange beautiful lonely stranger or even a smile from a passenger, that brightens up your day but for most, you meet plenty of meaningless people you see all sorts of persona at the same time you travel along whether it's rain or shine and see what life has to offer
at times, the ride is rough other buses come crashing into you some curse you for the lousy ride cars cutting into your bus lane people cheat you of your bus fare
you break down some times and occassionally help comes from the most unexpected places a stranger motorcylist an unknown pedestrain with some warming words
and if you're lucky, a lovely person will stay on with you till you reach the terminal some unlucky ones travel alone in an empty bus
but no matter what the ride has to offer you still have to travel and move on till journey's end...